To their credit, staff/devs here have done an extraordinary job in putting online a version of RSC that us fanatics can continue playing. Thanks to all (players included) for making it possible.
I encounter 2 types of players on every rsc server that I will never understand. If you've nothing more productive/diverting presenty then let us examine both in detail.
The Adrenaline Junkie
This guy is a cold blooded killing machine. He does not care for sportsmanship, honor, or the thrill of the battle; he only wants your pixels because you are a tad bit more entertaining than a dragon.
The Strict PVEer/staker
This is pretty much everyone on the top 20 skiller lists. I have no problem with you. What you enjoy doing in no way detracts from what I enjoy doing. In fact, I enjoy talking to most all of you. Here is what I don't get; regardless how bad you are at pking, you can always start up an easy to play, low risk pker and just mess around every now and then. Even if it's just for the social aspect... I mean how much more boring can losing ruby ammies be than farming/grinding? -_- Different strokes.
I posit both of these players can learn to enjoy a part in a healthy pking community. How? Simple. Player engagement/organization. Where the other leaders at? Did Professional get a professional gig/family? Long post I know, trying to be concise. Bare w/ me!
Low level pking. To me pking is pking. I would enjoy the game about as much if i was leading a lvl 33 clan (Sogeking - <BigBz>) or 1 member of a lvl 88 clan, so long as both had 10-20 people to pk with.
That said, I think low level would be good because:
1. more people pking - new people, broke people, casual pkers 2. active pking right above edge makes server much more attractive 3. customization/variety in pker builds 4. even the cheapest of pixel huggers might go into wilderness skulled if they only carry a black baxe and some trout 5. Where in the rule section does it say low level pkers cant go over lvl 3 wild?
I envision it like this. Professional and tweedle tom, dick, or harry start their relevant pop culture themed clans. (my votes for harry potter or just guthix saradomin, red team green team etc) These clans stay in perpetual battle whether it's in a staff sponsored event, with just few no lifers and afkers, or friendly clan wars/tournaments/Capture the Flag/captain team draft (instead of 6v2, clans tags don't matter(crazy I know)). Maybe we can even respectfully tolerate each other while pking for the sheer shits and giggles of it.
I doubt anyone read all of that. Thanks to those who skimmed it. Feel free to message me in game - Vegan, Tweedly Dee
TL:DR Join my low lvl pk clans. 1 is lvl 30-40 (mostly 33s and 38s) The other is going to be a low lvl mage pk clan. Or start a low lvl pk clan.
([enter]) 10 points from <Gryffindor>
1 last thing. If you're interested in low level pking please post the level or level range you're most interested in.
A. low lvl mages B. lvl 20-30 | No pbs mages kept in check by archers C. lvl 33 | prob very few pbs/tank mages D. lvl 38 |tank mages/pbs E. 40s |tank mages/pbs
- Last edited by tweedly dee (25 May 2018 22:12:03)
25 May 2018 21:37:03 #1