I've been on the server for a few months now, but thought I'd go ahead and finally introduce myself.
I'm SubieBro156; or as some of you know me the guy who sends a ton of mod requests since I always somehow find a way to get stuck.
I grew up playing runescape as a kid and have very fond memories of playing runescape (only classic existed at the time) and wasting my summers indoors much to the chagrin of my parents who tried to kick my brother and myself out of the house.
Due to my extensive work, travel, and wife schedule I usually play either very early or very late sometimes even from the hotel when I'm up super late and bored.
Just thought I'd pop in and finally introduce myself, it's fun to kick back and relax after a long day and skill.
Hey Brother!. Welcome to the server and we hope you enjoy your stay here with us at RSCEmulation, if you need any assistance in game please feel free to pm any of us moderators or admins in game or on the forums, or our discord channel. Cheers 🙂
Welcome brother! Super excited to have you veterans coming back and hanging around. Do not hesitate to contact us anytime you feel you need assistance; we don’t bite!
28 May 2018 16:01:42 #1