santa robes parts 1m each Cane 4M yellow partyhat 7.5M scythe 5m elf hat 1.5m easter egg 10m raindeerhat 2m pumpkin 10m Subscription card about 700k each
santa robes parts 1m each Cane 4M yellow partyhat 7.5M scythe 5m elf hat 1.5m easter egg 10m raindeerhat 2m pumpkin 10m Subscription card about 700k each
pumpkin and easter egg and elfs are all 500k, 10m smh lol .....mask set jumps between 3-5m depending on whos selling. scythes top out at 4m but most people selll for 3-3.5
19 Jun 2018 12:32:49 #1