Name: Chris
Age: 30
Location: Minnesota, USA
Timezone: Central
How many hours a day/week do you play? 4-6 hours/daily
What type of position are you interested in? (Forum moderator, Game moderator, Event moderator) Game Moderator
How would you describe yourself? (Quality & Flaws) Funny, Spontaneous, well liked, forgiving, patient, unique, loving, caring, team player
What can we expect of you as a moderator? I've been a moderator at RscLegacy for quite awhile, I have been a player in the game my whole life so i know what to expect, how to handle stressful situations. I know not everyone will agree with everything in-game. I am a team player and know what to bring to the table for all of us to have a fun, exciting, fair experience gameplay.
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24 Jan 2021 20:30:09 #1