Good to have found this, I've been longing to run the wild for years and was devastated to have found out that they discontinued RS... that is what i call the game, not this new age "classic" shit 😄 I quit playing when the rs3d was released back in the day. And was with the game from the very beginning where there was no wilderness, just mayhem everywhere. I see a lot of familiar names here and hope to catch up with you when i pop my first beer and sit on my computer later on. I was one of the first pure pkers with my friends irl, and hope to get that part of the game up and running again!
Hi and welcome! Good to see old faces returning! If you need anything in game, please do add me and I’ll help where I can! Weapons, armour, runes, I’m your man!
28 Sep 2018 06:37:25 #1