Hello RSCEmulation community! We are very excited to bring you another round of updates! Please take a moment to review the latest changes/implementations, as they are important.
In no particular order:
- RSCEmulation is now featured on the Google Play Store. - Ashes have been added to the “No-Bones” setting in player settings. - Viking Lair has been added to ::wilderness. - ::Commands has been updated in-game. - Viking Agility Shortcut now offers the option to pay 100,000 coins to bypass Agility requirements. - Players now have to confirm they're going into the wilderness when using the portal. - When dying helmet feathers at Thrander, players now have the option to dye all in their inventory. - When a Viking Helmet is dropped, a global notification will appear. - Lowered delay on ranging another player while PKing after leaving combat. - Cannons will now disappear after 30 minutes. Players will get a notification when there are 5 minutes before it needs to be claimed. If it disappears, they can retrieve another one from the Dwarf Cannon Engineer. - Deathmatching now counts towards kill/death ratio and also posts to live feed on website. - Agility fail rate buffed altered to a higher success rate. - FPD automated cycle has been removed. Staff Members can now start Free PK Day if needed. - Skillcape armor bonus has been modified to +2 instead of +1. - Prayer bug on Viking Island now fixed. - If F2 is pressed, sidebar is now saved. - New players will start at Tutorial Island, once again. - New players will be announced globally upon leaving Tutorial Island, once again. - Auction house timer limit has been raised from 24 hours to 48 hours. - Fixed bug at Skill Island that allowed you to remain underground after the event ends. - Chat channels and regular chat have been altered to reflect player status colors.
We hope you find this list both useful & logical. We are aiming to provide a smoother gameplay experience for all. Please feel free to share your feedback in the comments below, upvote us on the Google Play Store (everything helps!) and don’t forget to report any potential bugs to a member of staff. Thank you!
We appreciate & value everybody's opinions and suggestions. We would love to hear more feedback from all of you on things you'd like to see in the future, etc. Thanks guys!
Since ya'll keep saying you want to keep it as v1 as possible, but then go the other way, can we make it so Fairy Lunderwin purchases every cabbage instead of having to sell her one at a time? Asking for a friend.
Don't know if it was purposely nerfed, but this is how it used to work.
Since ya'll keep saying you want to keep it as v1 as possible, but then go the other way, can we make it so Fairy Lunderwin purchases every cabbage instead of having to sell her one at a time? Asking for a friend.
Don't know if it was purposely nerfed, but this is how it used to work.
Hi, it's not so much keeping "V1" as possible so much as we want to retain the retail Runescape Classic experience throughout the regular map as much as possible, while adding custom content and areas outside of the map. We can definitely look into this though 🙂. Thank you for your feedback sir.
1 May 2019 17:34:01 #1