Hey guys, so i started mining on the account i'm making into a 1881. I was looking for a spot to mine so i teleported all over the land. Any how long story short i've noticed that when your mining if your attacked by an npc or player it immediatley stops you from mining. This being an emulation mode character it's safe to say the wild would be the best place to mine. The problem is for example the hobgoblin mine it's virtually impossible to mine there while being constantly attacked by npc's. If my memory serves me correctly the main game used to allow you to mine even if you were under attack as long as you struck the rock with your pickaxe first. I'm not 100% if it was always that way or if it came as an update as there have been so many over the years. With that being said would it stand to reason that mining would be a much more enjoyable and effective skill if you could in fact continue to mine after striking the rock even if attacked. As it stands at this moment in time the hobgoblin mine in the wilderness serves virtually no purpose for the mining skill as well as a few other spots. I feel that this small change to the mining skill would be even more beneficial to everyone who subs their characters for the experience enhancements. Maybe as a second option cut down on some of the npc's on the outter edge of the mine, or limit their movement to x number of squares making rocks available. That way if one were to want to train mining there they could do so effectively. -Tiamat-
We'll look into it and see what we deicide. If you're looking for a good spot to power mine, I'd suggest mining under Grand Tree. Note you'll need to nearly complete the quest to gain access to the underground mining area.
Thanks Wavy,yeah i searched everywhere for that sweet mining spot for an emulation mode character to train on. I have the grand tree unlocked also. That account being an emulation mode character and being double subbed would be awesome to be able to apply it in the wilderness to make the best use of the subscription experience boost. It's just hard to mine coal or iron in the wild due to the limited locations and npc placement.I Do feel as far as out of the wilderness mining The Grand Tree is the best spot to power mine and maybe the iron ore rocks south of ardougne a close second.
9 Dec 2019 17:59:33 #1