Hello friends and family, this is Vinny.
I have been on and off RSCE since randomly around 2010-2015 - and came back August 2019.
Almost 2 1881 accounts and tons of other accounts..The game is addictive and full of adventure
I am working on making RSCE stickers and hopefully we can come up with some good ideas.
Post a RSCE logo and the winner will recieve a few free stickers and some in game items donated by me.
I would love to see the server grow and just brainstorming ideas, except I can't do it alone!
I have been on and off for 4 weeks now.
I was gone for 2 weeks on a vacation that made me realize I spend a lot of time on RSCE.
I have noticed the game has come to botters, bug abusers and just cheating players causing RSCE to die down.
There are good days and bad days, and as a supporter to RSCE.
I want to welcome those who are new and give you the advice that you need to hear...
Do not Cheat... you will be found and Wavy don't play no shit..
You come and waste your time on this game to be banned ? The fuck is wrong you really..
Enjoy RSCEmulation and don't be stupid.
welcome back vin
Copyright 2024 RSCEmulation
14 Jun 2020 10:11:44 #1