Rules:1 IP only, NO Hybrids, NO Mages, NO Prayer Beast, MUST HAVE 40 ATTACK TO JOIN! Supply your own gear, anyone who abuses our rules will be disqualified from event and temp banned.
How To Play: God of War is a team death match where the winning team divides in half until there's only 2 players left. Once two players are left they will fight 1v1 for the prize.
~16 players join, teams will be divided randomly into 8 vs 8. If you die, DO NOT LOGOUT. Of the winning team, teams will be divided randomly into 4 vs 4. We will repeat this until 2 players are standing.
Prize: Red Party-Hat
Donator: Papapimp
Please PM a Mod/Admin on Discord the character name you will be participating with
Please come prepared with all gear required and do NOT start DM's while we wait for the event to start, this will help the event go much smoother
Once 16 players get added, any late entries will be used for subs/no show players. (FIRST COME FIRST SERVE)
Player List:
1. Waterboy 2. Danny boy 3. Babies 38 4. 2h 5. I Am Stunt 6. God 38 7. Sozza 8. Veronique 9. Jeepy 10. Scottypks 11. Ezio 33 12. feliciahard 13. bulbasaur 14. meek mill 15. Juden 16. stormy
8 Sep 2020 15:54:58 #1