Name: Rob
Age: 31
Location: Michigan, USA
Timezone: EST
How many hours a day/week do you play? During the week I'm on usually 4-5 hours a day at the most. Weekends if I'm free I'm on most of the weekend.
What type of position are you interested in? (Forum moderator, Game moderator, Event moderator) Forum, Game, Event mod.
How would you describe yourself? (Quality & Flaws)
Qualities: I'm extremely active and know a decent amount of the game, can help out new players, and old players with different questions they have when it comes to just about anything besides questing. I'm rather laid back and don't get worked up over petty drama, usually try and get both sides to just chill out and relax. I was in different leadership positions in clans in the past, which meant I had to deal with a lot of different things going on inside the clan, and diffuse different situations. Willing to help with whatever is needed, in game, forums, discord, or anywhere else.
I was also a forum mod in a few clans from RS2, would be nice to help clean up these forums and try and get them active.
Flaws: I've never been someone who has been into questing in any of the runescapes over the years, always had other people do them for me. So questing help would be kinda out of my realm.
What can we expect of you as a moderator? Active person who is on at different times. I usually work between 9pm and 7am EST, so during the week I'm on before I go into work, and for a few hours when I get out of work. I also check discord often, and can be active more in discord. Willing to help grow this server more to get more new faces interested and playing.
I did take a small break right after I posted the last application, got burned out training multiple accounts non stop. I'm refreshed and back, and only doing what I enjoy, and not burning myself out.
- Last edited by KamenCider (12 Jan 2021 05:55:05)Offline
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12 Jan 2021 05:53:12 #1