Money making guide 2018 Woodcutting Requirements for starting making cash: 60 Woodcutting
(what to chop) Yew tree's (60) - seers village, edgevile (sells for 300gp ea) Magic tree's (75) - seers village, gnome stronghold (sells for 800gp ea) Fletching Requirements for starting making cash: 70 Fletching
(when fletching) Yew longbows, w.string (70) (High alching for 760 ea) Magic longbows, w.string (85) (high alching for 1536)
Fishing/Cooking Requirements for starting making cash: 50fishing 50 cooking
Fishing swordfish (50) - Catherby, Fishing Guild Cooking swordfish (50) - Catherby, Fishing Guild, (best one - Al karid) (sells for 250 ea)
Fishing Sharks (76) - Catherby, Fishing Guild Cooking Sharks (80) - Catherby, Fishing Guild, (best one - Al karid) (sells for 400-600 ea) Mining Requirements for starting making cash: 15mining
Iron ores (15) - Varrock, Falador, Rimmington (sells for 300 gp ea)
Coal Ores (35) - Varrock, Falador, Mining Guild (sells for 350 gp ea)
Killing Druids under edge for herbs
Killing fire giants for rune items
Killing Dragons for dragon bones and rune items
(some of these prices are can be different, this was made 09.02.2018 Made by Just Because
9 Feb 2018 13:47:09 #1