Everyone that wants to pk, start training chars and get involved. I know a lot of people are worried about others having more chars or whatever but seriously go make chars and start a massive team and come join in the fun.
The more chars u have the more action you will get. I recommend one char every 10 levels at least, so you can join in all fights. Which isn't hard to make.
Levels 40-80 is most action atm... low level pures, defs and mages, and lots of hybrids from lvl 70-80.
Yeah but as soon as you see somebody they log in to 5 other clients, what happened to regular ol pkin
Me and puta fight 2v5 and I need to multi to be able to pk. IF I didn’t have access to multi I wouldn’t fight 2v5 and therefore those other 5 piers would not have any pk.
Yeah but as soon as you see somebody they log in to 5 other clients, what happened to regular ol pkin
Regular old pking was great when there was 20 worlds with 2000 players on each world. Nowdays u have to pk with a player base of under 200 ppl SO the more ppl that decide to make more chars every level and make teams to take on the ones that are already doing it, the better. There will be more action and more action will bring more pkers back.
There's a lot of old pkers out there that arent playing at all or are on other servers that will log in and see the action and then start again because they want to join in. That's the way I see it.
Yeah but as soon as you see somebody they log in to 5 other clients, what happened to regular ol pkin
Regular old pking was great when there was 20 worlds with 2000 players on each world. Nowdays u have to pk with a player base of under 200 ppl SO the more ppl that decide to make more chars every level and make teams to take on the ones that are already doing it, the better. There will be more action and more action will bring more pkers back.
There's a lot of old pkers out there that arent playing at all or are on other servers that will log in and see the action and then start again because they want to join in. That's the way I see it.
I don't agree so fuckin much. Pking, especially at like 60-70 and under, being heavily dominated by a few people with dozens of characters is such nonsense. Old players won't stay for that.. It's garbage for everyone but power users.
Yeah but as soon as you see somebody they log in to 5 other clients, what happened to regular ol pkin
Regular old pking was great when there was 20 worlds with 2000 players on each world. Nowdays u have to pk with a player base of under 200 ppl SO the more ppl that decide to make more chars every level and make teams to take on the ones that are already doing it, the better. There will be more action and more action will bring more pkers back.
There's a lot of old pkers out there that arent playing at all or are on other servers that will log in and see the action and then start again because they want to join in. That's the way I see it.
Actually it discourages players, especially new players.
Yeah but as soon as you see somebody they log in to 5 other clients, what happened to regular ol pkin
Regular old pking was great when there was 20 worlds with 2000 players on each world. Nowdays u have to pk with a player base of under 200 ppl SO the more ppl that decide to make more chars every level and make teams to take on the ones that are already doing it, the better. There will be more action and more action will bring more pkers back.
There's a lot of old pkers out there that arent playing at all or are on other servers that will log in and see the action and then start again because they want to join in. That's the way I see it.
Actually it discourages players, especially new players.
nothing discourages new players or players in general more than non-existant PK'ing scene. as puta said, if you wanna have more than couple certain levels populated, you either need 2000 players per server or you need those X amount of people with all the possible accounts.
all we need to do is remove that time factor when making those accounts. it shouldn't require a single minute to make it, it should just require a decision to go out there and the PK'ing itself, should require the time.
New player comes trains up a char 40 1 99 goes to castle 5x a week no1 pkin. Quits
New player comes trains up a char 40 1 99 goes to castle 5x a week gets a fight 5x a week but realises he needs to build more chars to compete. Builds more chars and continues to pk.
New player comes trains up a char 40 1 99 goes to castle 5x a week no1 pkin. Quits
New player comes trains up a char 40 1 99 goes to castle 5x a week gets a fight 5x a week but realises he needs to build more chars to compete. Builds more chars and continues to pk.
Thats true for hardcore players who spend 13 hours on themselves at a time. not a casual player who doesnt have time to make 5 flats just to get one kill.
You people are delusional. The obvious solution for people when they see the state of pking is to simply not play. The pking is a shadow of what it was last time I played this game. I'm glad I got in and enjoyed it before the game decayed to this point. I doubt it will change and even if it did probably to late.
The out of wilderness stuff is so, so much better with quest, batching, the ah etc but the way people pk just isn't worth dealing with. Oh well.
New player comes trains up a char 40 1 99 goes to castle 5x a week no1 pkin. Quits
New player comes trains up a char 40 1 99 goes to castle 5x a week gets a fight 5x a week but realises he needs to build more chars to compete. Builds more chars and continues to pk.
Thats true for hardcore players who spend 13 hours on themselves at a time. not a casual player who doesnt have time to make 5 flats just to get one kill.
But if I don't have the time to mine 100k coal does that mean others shouldn't be allowed to mine?
Personally, I'm only going to train a single account to be my skiller/pker. I prefer to pk alone, which is, of course, a terrible idea on servers because the population is small. I hope ppl don't make 5 king accounts each, especially since the wilderness has been dwarfed.
Additionally, Smiley is spot on; Pyru and his staff have a done a tremendous job in making aspects outside of king easier and more enjoyable. Downsizing the map was also a brilliant idea.
In any single multi player game that is huge in the world is there anyone who would tell his mates no let me die and lose all my items to this guy so I can grind for another 4 hours to get it back? Or would they say gang this cunt. Either you get mates or you fuck off
3 Mar 2018 14:15:24 #1