Make an event in a custom area or similar building type as i drew in paint real quick.
Event would be in like a long tunnel like 8 squares wide. Have a safe zone where all lvl 3s start. Make everyone skull. Drop a rare from a donation in the donation area where i drew. And have like 10 kbds spawned in the room thats not safe and have all lvl the people run towards the rare and pick it up and run back to the safe zone with it. If people die it will drop to floor and someone else can pick it up. And make ::event forever so people can keep coming back after dieing until someone makes it back to safe zone with the rare.
Think it would be fun event to do all the ones that are done now are old and something new would interesting.
I brought this up to the staff team. We always welcome events idea as we love bringing new and exciting stuff. All it would need is designing the place as adding up the chest and monsters is an easy task.
I brought this up to the staff team. We always welcome events idea as we love bringing new and exciting stuff. All it would need is designing the place as adding up the chest and monsters is an easy task.
It would be cool if you can make it announce who picks up and dies with the prize.
25 Mar 2018 23:28:07 #1