Hey guys i used to play this game die hard back in thd day.Myfriend showed me the emulation platform yesterday... pretty cool to be back !! Do we have holiday items and such in this game too? Let me know some ins and outs i may be missing out on eith the emulater
Hey cool thanks guy's! So far im just trying to rememebr stuff... i walked around varrock for ten minutes trying to find the plate armor guy ??... I have been training all day.. my little pker is on his way...
I see people saying srske 61s all the time, dp people only stake certain level guy's? staking was my favourite previous... but i had a plate pure from when rsc changed over ?? was a solid fuckin character
lmao... i can appreciate the humour in that statement ? haha
Thanks for the warm welcoke everybody ? just been training so fa r. need to start runningf a few clients and get some fishing going on... i need some mula ??
Im still trying to wrap my head around all this only 3s abd 61s abd flats staking?? but i can manage... think ill start training a new acc for that!
9 Mar 2018 08:19:30 #1