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These are the average drops since being "buffed" I'm not saying its not a step in the right direction but there's still little worth a persons time if it takes an hour to get this estimated Roi after cost of pots and arrows maybe 80-100k... in v2 the differences where dragon bone certs not dbone notes and it was 10 certs if you were unsubbed 20 if your subbed swordies was 25 certs, 30 notes seems very low on this pray pots there droping 5 pray pot notes used to be same as dragon bone certs 10 or 20 theirs major differences and I'm just trying to stress how much of a difference i think there should be included, you wouldn't need free pk days just continue hosting range events etc.
NEXT ITEM 61s staking simple here... remove pl8s from 61s as a start... make legends capes wieldable by all gotta happen eventually
Fast and simple alot of people used to pk because it was easy to access edge etc didnt need much else events where great 61s was big in v2 i remember seeing 30+ people lined up when it was simple to access the items required as well as no ammy switching no pl8 switching there where alot of reasons why they where taken out and whats been happening to everyone is the exact same shit that happened before there was a change back then... better to jump on it now i know a few people who prefered the way that aspect of the game was back then...
The ranging events have been our way of allowing people to easily farm high-level NPCs; supplying people with good loot to either use for skilling, sell for profit, or items to PK with. The drops were revamped to give better loot. Yesterday I ran a Black Demon range event (and even participated in it myself to see for my own eyes what the drops were). In just ten minutes of participation, I managed to come out with around 350-400k worth of good loot. So this really shouldn’t be an issue moving forward. It’s both profitable and worth your time to farm now.
As for 61s, I will agree that they need some more attention to bring the scene back to how it used to be. Just bear with us, there have been a LOT of changes in just a few short weeks and things will only continue to get better.
Drops are good right now. I think the noted items( herblaw supplies, bones, ores) was a fantastic addition. Well done lorinzo and staff.
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7 Jun 2018 00:26:24 #1