The following changes / fixes have been made live as of 11/16/18:
- Fixed a bug which caused you to be teleported upon logging in to certain coordinates. - Added banker & auctioneer to Brimhaven (Mod Sil) - Frenita no longer wanders outside her respective coordinates (Mod Sil) - Ardougne stepping stones added behind Elena's home (Mod Sil) - 2 Fire giants added to Baxtorian Waterfall west room (Mod Sil) - Legends guild re-vamped again (Mod Sil & Lorin) - Taverley dungeon stepping stones re-added for ladder mound. - Karamja banker & auctioneer added (Mod Sil) - Removed random magic pools. - Swordfish-only fishing spot re-added to Fishing Guild (Lorin). - Thurgo no longer wanders outside his coordinates. - Spinning wheel added back to Edgeville (Mod Sil) - Altar added in Edgeville, behind man hut (Mod Sil) - Master fisher re-added. - Added a 10 second stand still timer to the lever which teleports you to Ardougne.
- We have added an events section to the forums. Please check them often, we have plenty of events being thrown, and they can be very rewarding!
A big thank you to Zack for compiling a list of abnormalities and bugs! Another shout out to Mod Sil for his contributions to the recent fixes.
As always, we would like to thank you all for your continued support towards RSCEmulation. If you notice any bugs or abnormalities, please report it to a member of staff, or reply to this thread.
16 Nov 2018 01:03:03 #1