Really been a good run guys. Last 4 Months I've been spending atleast 5 hours playing Runescape nearly every day. I have made friends and enemies. It is really hard for me to quit since the love I have for the game and to be honest, an addiction.
So yesterday I made a undercover 3s boxer and lost all my cash+rares to people I know will keep playing. (Left pk gear so might come if there is a war or the population grow until the summer).
My addiction to PC and drugs the last 5 Months has ruined a lot, Lost my brother, my girlfriend, 10kg weight and a lot of close friends. I need to get a grip of my life and then for now zero tolerance of PC and drugs are the only way.
I just bought a ticket to the other side of the world for 2 Months and are leaving in a couple of weeks.
Sorry to see you leave mate. It’s good to see you confronting your issues and progressing in the right direction. I hope you have the best time away from here. If you ever need a chat, drop me a message. Someone should never be alone when dealing with stuff.
hey mu, been a good run buddy. loved the competition and ambition you brought to the server man. didn't really care too much for you in the beginning, but your skills in the wild and duel client impressed me. glad you're doing what you gotta do man. it is an honour to have gotten to know such a character. take care man love, peace, and bannock grease. 😋
I’m sad to see you go, but just know you always have a home here! There are people here who care about your well-being brother. Take all the time you need to find peace in life. We’ll be here when you get back. Much love sir.
5 Dec 2018 14:26:46 #1