IF anyone is interested in investing in Bitcoin mining.. I've recently signed up to a promising company who mine bitcoin and you can choose how much you want paid back into your account. Takes about a month or so before you start seeing some decent return. So if you have some spare cash and want to earn for doing fuck all (I'm doing it as I'm off travelling for 3 months) and this is an easy way to keep money flowing. It's quite long, but worth a watch: https://youtu.be/3v9PHtEmO14 A few buddies of mine are able to withdraw £100-£200 per day. (Wankers) haha. They've been doing it for a couple of months. If you are interested, click here and sign up 🙂 https://lewis87.usitech-int.com/
12 Dec 2017 03:22:56 #1