Rsc - getting pked at dark wizards with green phat, addy kite, rune plate, legs and rune long. I was most upset about losing my addy kite which cost me 43k than my green hat which i traded a guy for an emerald amulet. Fishing 2k raw lobs in karmaja pre p2p for a rune sq shield... that was a grind back then.
Rs2- finally killing nomad and getting the quest cape pre eoc/rs3. Still think that's one of the hardest boss battles I've had in rs.
The community from varrock, then draynor and lumby. Staking scene was insane. Mage staking behind walls, Plate pure staking higher levels etc. Was epic.
The top of Varrock wilderness border pking, the epic stakes by draynor bank, walking around Falador thinking it was the best freakin city(f2p) ever with the whole castle being in the centre, ummm also fishing in draynor!
Pure pking on world 7 at edge of wilderness near Varrock, trying to buy/sell next to the castle in Varrock. Always using 888 or xxx in @ran@ or @cya@ and getting annoyed when someone else used them and then you had to figure out where the hell the person was. Getting my first rune long sword thinking I was the king of runescape...
Definitely something I remember but it wasn't a proud memory was thinking (I was between 11-14 during this time) the shop owner gave you better deals than the shop assistant cause he owned the store lmao
Staying up all nice looting coins. I thought collecting coins from guard drops at edge was making me rich. Pking with a few friends I haven't spoken to in over a decade. Lending a friend my rune long for a week so he could kill lesser demons in hopes of him getting a tune med helmet for me.
Favourite noob moment for me was probably hustling to get some rune ore and then getting my first r2h made by sirdelsha who was amongst the first of the rune smithers back then!
Fav moment after that would be any number of the insanely large scale wars thats used to happen.. that would span the entire wildy pretty much. It was insanely exciting then and honestly its still pretty fun when a decent sized war pops off today.
25 May 2018 10:12:12 #1