Location:Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada)
Timezone: Central Daylight Time
How many hours a day/week do you play? between 20-30 hours a week
What type of position are you interested in? (Forum moderator, Game moderator, Event moderator) Event moderator, with the intention of becoming a Game moderator as the demand changes.
How would you describe yourself? (Quality & Flaws) I'd Describe myself as funny, Friendly, and outgoing. I'd say my biggest flaw is micromanagement, Things have to be perfect lol.
What can we expect of you as a moderator? You can expect Fair game play, Teamwork building, and Events that will create more competition/ more creativity within the game. I intend to cater to all forms of what the game should be enjoyed for; With that being said you can expect alot more different attempts at pk levels/ competition.
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13 May 2019 15:33:14 #1