Date:Event Type:Prize:Hosted By:Winner(s): May 20th - 3s boxing ------- 5m GP ----------- Mod Aaron - Boxing Queen Staff Choice ---- Black Bunny Suit - Mod Colt --- Kosheen 3s Survival ------ Santa Hat ------- Mod Wavy -- My Lil Powny Hide Seek N Kill - Pink Party Hat --- Mod Rhys -- Nos
May 21st - Players Choice -- 5m GP ----------- Mod Aaron - Zack Lvl 3 Race ------- White Party Hat -- Mod Colt --- Oh Fk Flats Boxing ----- Scythe ----------- Mod Wavy -- Zyper123 Lvl 38 DM ------ Candy Cane ------Mod Rhys --- 38s Madness
May 22nd - Lottery --------- Bunny Ears ------- Mod Aaron - Sharick 61 Staking ----- Santa Suit --------- Mod Colt -- T8st M8 N88b Hide N Seek ---- Easter Egg -------- Mod Wavy - Nos & Reign Staff Choice ---- Blue Mask --------- Mod Rhys - Mine
May 23rd - Flats DM -------- Red Mask -------- Mod Aaron - Mu 3s Survival ------ Santa Suit -------- Mod Colt --- Steveballa Flats Mage Boxing --- Scythe ----------- Mod Wavy - Reignz (Prayer off) Hide Seek N Kill - 5M GP ------------ Mod Rhys -- B 0 N E Z
May 24th - Staff Choice ---- Santa Suit -------- Mod Aaron - Big Puncher Scavenger Hunt - Santa Hat -------- Mod Colt --- Mu 61 Staking ------ 5m GP ------------ Mod Wavy - Go Home Flats Survival --- Blue Bunny Suit --- Mod Rhys -- B 0 N E Z (No prayer allowed)
May 25th - Lottery -------- Grinch Mask -------- Mod Aaron - Julius Reign 3s Boxing ------ Elf Hat -------------- Mod Colt --- Julius Reign Flats Boxing --- Santa Hat ---------- Mod Wavy - Bumble Bee Flats Castlewars - Candy Cane -------- Mod Rhys -- V E D D Y (Last man standing)
May 26th - Staff Choice -- Candy Cane -------- Mod Aaron - Mine Players Choice - Bunny Ears -------- Mod Colt --- Eh Staff Choice --- Blue Party Hat ----- Mod Wavy -- Papa Mu Players Choice - Santa Hat ------------- Mod Rhys -- Bwana
May 27th - Scav. Hunt ---- Santa Suit -------- Mod Aaron - Tormenta 3s Survival ---- Santa Hat -------- Mod Colt --- Funeral Flats Survival - Candy Cane ------ Mod Wavy -- Gnar Kill (No Prayer allowed) Lvl 38 Border -- Scythe ----------- Mod Rhys --- Samyaza (Most kills in 30 mins)
May 28th - Staff Choice --- Red Party Hat --- Mod Aaron -- Reignz Players Choice - 5m GP ----------- Mod Colt ---- Notslayer666 Staff Choice ---- Candy Cane ----- Mod Wavy -- Fiz Players Choice - Santa Suit -------- Mod Rhys -- Big Puncher
May 29th - 3s Boxing ------ Santa Hat -------- Mod Aaron - Fake Mod 3s Survival ----- 5m GP ----------- Mod Colt -----Murda Lvl 38 DM ------ Elf Hat ------------ Mod Wavy --- Fiz Flats DM ------- Green Party Hat -- Mod Rhys --B 0 N E Z
Help Im Lost has generously donated items for us to hold some events for the next while, be sure to thank him next time you see him in-game!
Each event will be ONE character per person unless otherwise specified by a staff member.
- "Players Choice" event type: There will be a vote taken in-game among the current players online to choose which event they would like to have. - "Staff Choice" event type: The staff member hosting the event will choose which event they'd like to run.
We will do our absolute best to organize this the best we can, giving as much notice as possible on Discord and/or forums so everybody has a fair chance of being able to attend the event(s). These are guaranteed to happen each day starting on May 20th, the team will more than likely be holding more on top of what's being listed down below!
Donations on top of the current prize(s) are always welcome!
Note: This post may be edited, keep an eye on it for any changes.
As always, we would like to thank you all for your continued support towards RSCEmulation, we hope you enjoy what's coming! - RSCEmulation Staff Team
16 May 2019 21:40:01 #1