This guide will give you a good idea of what an items worth.
I'll try and keep this updated if prices raise/fall substantially.
These ranges are *not* set in stone.
Prices can vary, it's always in your best interest to check the Auction House to see if something has raised/lowered since this was last updated.
Rune 2h: 45-55k
Rune Battleaxe: 30-40k
Dragon Sword: 100-120k
Dragon Axe:
Addy Full: 0-30k
Large Rune Helmet: 30-35k
Rune Platebody: 50-70k
Rune Chainbody: 35-40k
Rune Plate Legs/Skirt: 50-60k
Rune Kiteshield: 50-65k
Dragon med helm: 200-300k
Dragon Sq. Shield (Right half): 750k-1m
Dragon Sq. Shield (Full): 1m-1.2m
Dragon Bones: 7k-9k each
Air Rune: 10-20gp each
Water Rune: 8-11gp each
Earth Rune: 8-11gp each
Fire Rune: 10-20gp each
Death Rune: 150-200gp each
Blood Rune: 200-250gp each
Law Rune: 100-150gp each
Nature Rune: 125-150gp each
Bronze arrows: 15-25gp each
Iron arrows: 30-35gp each
Steel arrows: 40-50gp each
Mithril arrows: 75-80gp each
Adamant arrows: 120-150gp each
Rune arrows: 300-500gp each
Longbow: 0-10k
Magic Longbow: 0-20k
Ruby amulet of Strength: 1k - 3k each -- noted drops
Diamond amulet of Power: 1k - 3k each -- noted drops
Dragonstone amulet: 17.5k - 20k each
Charged Dragonstone amulet: 18k - 22k each
Filled vials: 100-200gp each
Guam: 500gp each -- hard to sell, only for beginning herblawists
Tarromin: 800gp each -- not as valuable with str pot drops from mobs
Ranarr: 2-4k each -- always in demand
Irit Leaf: 3-5k each -- always in demand
Kwuarm: 4-6k each -- always in demand
Cadantine: 4-7k each -- always in demand
Dwarf Weed: 5-8k each -- will be in demand if p2p wild becomes more active
Snape grass: 500gp - 1k each -- noted drop & ground drops (hobgoblin isle)
Eye of Newt: 500gp - 1k each -- noted drop & store bought
Limpwurt root: 2-4k each -- noted drop
Whiteberries: 3-5k each -- noted drop & ground drops (red dragons)
Wine of Zamorak: 2-4k each -- easily obtainable, just time and click consuming (chaos temple)
Strength potion: 300gp - 750gp each -- depends on f2p pking, noted drops of 100 (black demon)
Prayer restore potion -- 5k - 7k ea -- noted drops
Super Attack potion -- 5k - 8k ea -- noted drops
Super Strength potion -- 5k - 9k ea -- noted drops
Super Defense potion -- 5k -- 10k ea -- noted drops
Super set - 15k - 30k ea
Ranging potion -- 5k - 10k ea -- will be bought/sold more with p2p wild activity
Raw Swordfish: 500gp - 750gp ea
Raw Shark: 500gp - 750gp ea
Cooked Swordfish: 750gp - 1k each -- currently best fishing moneymaker due to f2p wild activity
Cooked Shark: 750gp - 1k each -- will be more widely bought/sold with p2p wild activity
Yew logs: 500gp - 750gp each
Magic logs: 700gp - 1k each
Arrow shafts: 100gp - 150gp each
Headless arrows: 150gp - 200gp each
Feathers: 20gp - 100gp each -- depends on demand. Large quantity drop via greater demons
Bowstrings: 400gp - 1k each -- depends on demand (only useful for people training fletching)
Steel arrow heads: 25gp - 35gp each -- large quantity drops (greater demon)
Mith arrow heads: 40gp - 50gp each -- large quantity drops (greater demon)
Addy arrow heads: 75gp - 150gp each -- medium quantity drops (greater demon)
Rune arrow heads: 250gp - 350gp each -- small quantity drops (greater demon)
Iron ore: 100gp - 150gp each
Coal: 600gp - 800gp each -- large quantity noted drops
Mithril ore: 650gp - 1k each -- medium quantity noted drops
Adamantite ore: 3k - 5k each -- small quantity noted drops
Runite ore: 10k - 15k each -- small quantity noted drops
Steel bar: 500gp - 900gp each -- large quantity noted drops
Mith bar: 1k - 1.5k each
Addy bar: 4k - 6k each
Rune bar: 18k - 23k each
Gold bar: 500gp - 1k each -- small quantity noted drops
Flax: 100 - 200gp each -- hard to sell
Green Halloween mask:
Red Halloween mask:
Blue Halloween mask:
Bunny ears:
Bunny suit top:
Bunny suit bottom:
Half full jug of wine:
Disk of returning:
I'm leaving the rare items up to the community, given how they've gone up and down as of late. Please leave your feedback regarding rare item prices AND please let me know if any prices are off or items need to be added.
Update #2 (12/27/2018):
The below prices reflect changes to the original post. Please refer to these prices as the updated prices for some of the above items.
Rune 2h: 40-50k
Rune Battleaxe: 25-35k
Dragon Sword: 80-100k
Dragon Axe: 200-250k
Dragon med helm: 125-175k
Dragon Sq. Shield (Full): 650k-750k
Dragon Set: 850k-1m
Holiday rare items:
Yellow Partyhat: 15m
Red Partyhat: 25-30m
Green Partyhat: 30-35m
White Partyhat: 30-35m
Blue Partyhat: 30-35m
Pink Partyhat: 30-40m
Christmas Cracker: 60-75m
Santa Hat: 5-8m
Elf Hat: 4-6m
Reindeer hat: 5-8m
Grinch mask:8-10m
Santa Top: 4-6m
Santa Bottom: 4-6m
Green Halloween mask:3-4.5m
Red Halloween mask: 4-5m
Blue Halloween mask: 4-5m
Scythe: 5-7m
Pumpkin: 3-4m
Bunny ears: 8-10m (possibly more, not heavily traded)
Bunny suit top: 8-10m (possibly more, not heavily traded)
Bunny suit bottom: 8-10m (possibly more, not heavily traded)
Half full jug of wine: 4-6m (possibly more, not heavily traded)
Disk of returning: 4-6m (possibly more, not heavily traded)
Always changes ?
Copyright 2024 RSCEmulation
14 Dec 2018 15:58:21 #1