We are very excited to bring you the next round of updates! Please take a moment to review the latest changes/implementations.
Attention Android users: If you're having issues downloading the updated app, please uninstall the old version, clear your devices cache and re-install the new app here
Skillcape Perks!
We know it's been a LONG time coming but they're FINALLY here!
Please note: (1) Perks are only applied once the player equips the cape. (2) ALL combat perks will only effect PVM (Player vs Monster). Perks are not applied if in Duels or PKing vs other players.
[-] Attack: 10% boost [-] Defense: 10% boost [-] Strength: 10% boost [-] Hits: 3x faster regeneration rate [-] Ranged: 15% chance to deal double damage [-] Prayer: Recharge feature (Can only be used once every 30 mins + can NOT be used in the wilderness) [-] Magic: +1 damage dealt on any spell cast [-] Cooking: Cook food 2x faster [-] Woodcut: 15% chance to get noted logs [-] Fletching: 15% chance to make two bows + Double arrow shafts [-] Fishing: 15% chance to catch noted fish [-] Firemaking: Light all logs that are in a 5 square radius of the player [-] Crafting: 15% chance to cut 2 gems out of an uncut gem [-] Smithing: Never fail smelting Iron Ore + Smelting any Mith/Addy/Rune will take 2 less coal (Superheat item spell not included) [-] Mining: 15% chance to get 2 ores at once [-] Herblaw: 15% chance to make 2 potions from 1 vial [-] Agility: Slower fatigue rate than what premium Subscriber receives + less chance to fail obstacles [-] Thieving: No lockpick required + 2x stackable loot when pickpocketing NPC's [-] Runecrafting: Players will recieve 4 Death per Ess/3 Blood per Ess/2 Soul per Ess + Can be used in replacement of a talisman [-] Max Cape: All regular Skillcape perks apply when worn + Option to dye both hoods/capes
In the addition to the Skillcape Perks, 10 new colors have been added to the Max cape/Hoods. In order to dye them simply use your hood or cape on the Skillcape Vendor behind Edgeville bank. The cost to dye is 100k for hoods and 150k for capes.
Quest Fixes
[-] Tree Gnome Village quest - Fixed (Player stuck after being teleported into the maze) [-] Monks Friend quest - Fixed (Water not being removed from inventory) [-] Biohazard quest - Fixed (Player receiving duplicate key) [-] Tourist Trap quest - Fixed (Being thrown in jail when entering gate) [-] Scorpion Catcher quest - Fixed (Missing dialogue, 1st scorpion = Barb Agility Course | 2nd scorpion = Monastery | 3rd scorpion = Taverly)
[-] Screenshot feature added (PC Only) - Press F10 to take a screenshot, screenshots will be saved in your RSCEmulation folder [-] Player actions like "You are under attack" will now log under Quest tab instead of Local tab [-] Clan space has been increased to 75 [-] God spells fixed, players will now be able to walk through them [-] Collect from auctioneer has been changed to collect from banker [-] ::edge command will now require the player to be out of combat/stand still for 10 seconds (In Wilderness) [-] Lesser cage in wilderness bug fixed with gate [-] Appropriately capitalized all Npcs/Objects/Items/Quest names/Prayers/Spells [-] Auction house time has been set back to 24-hours (Previously 48-hours) [-] Issue where a player could instantly be ranged after leaving combat has been fixed [-] Update logs added to Client Launcher [-] ::sleep command fixed [-] ::wilderness command updated
We would also like to take this opportunity to inform all the players that as of November 1st 2019 we will NO LONGER be accepting transfers from previous versions and/or other servers.
We feel these changes/fixes will enhance the user experience and allow a more complete game-play. Please report any issues or bugs that may arise to a member of the Staff.
As always thank you for your continued support of RSCEmulation! We hope you enjoy this round of updates and we look forward to seeing you during our Halloween Event! which will run on October 30th & 31st. More details coming soon!
27 Oct 2019 13:08:28 #1