[-] Auction House issue has been fixed. We've added only one Auctioneer to Edgeville bank for now for testing purposes
[-] Admins ability to alter wilderness state has been updated, they can now toggle whether GodSpells CAN or CANNOT be used while state is toggled to P2P
[-] Added more Klanks Gauntlets to Lealia's shop behind Edgeville bank (10 total)
[-] Wilderness Agility course underground only allowing F2P items is fixed (May still display F2P for now)
[-] Player must confirm now that they want to travel from Al Kharid to Viking Island via the rowboat, also a 5 second out of combat timer has been added from Viking Island to Al Kharid
[-] Global notification if a Mysterious Chest/Skull mask has been dropped from Chaos Imp fixed. Prior to update, If the Chaos Imp dropped a Mysterious Chest the notification would say the Undead Viking dropped it
[-] Swordfish only spot has been added to Skill Island fishing area
[-] Shark only spot has been added to fishing guild it will require the player to have 99 fishing to use
[-] Returning Event Moderator - Mod Colt
Copyright 2024 RSCEmulation
8 Dec 2019 22:47:04 #1