Here are a few wilderness training spots for RSCE mode and 1x mode.
Varrock Border Rats Lvl.13 (North of Varrock Square Lvl.2 wild)
Varrock Wild Bandits Lvl.29 (East of rats Lvl.3 wild)
Thugs Lvl.18 (NE of Edgeville Border Lvl.6 wild)
Muggers Lvl.10 (NE of thugs Lvl.7 wild)
Dungeon Rats Lvl. 16 (Castle Lvl.13 wild)
Dungeon Rats Lvl.16 & Thugs Lvl.18 (Castle 2nd-Floor Lvl.13 wild)
Hobgoblins Lvl.32 (Lvl.28 wild)
Deadly Red Spider Lvl. 36 (North of Graveyard Lvl.29 wild)
Zombies Lvl.32 & Lvl.24 (Lvl.19 wild)
Darkwizards Lvl.25 & Lvl.13 (West of Edgeville border Lvl.3 wild)
Giant Spiders Lvl.31 (Northwest of Castle Lvl.22 wild)
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17 Dec 2019 11:11:06 #1